Workshops are a valuable and engaging way to learn, providing a fantastic opportunity for collective training sessions, skills transfer, networking and information sharing.

The range of workshops and format for delivering the sessions can be creatively designed to best serve the context of the learning. Initiatives such as these help to support and strengthen capacity at both an individual and institutional level. Please see the range of workshops delivered across various settings as part of the CANTAM programme.


19th and 20th of May

Implementation of Novel Diagnostics >>


Africa's capacity for real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) diagnosis of infectious diseases>>


9th of July 

Introduction to Scientific Writing>>


5th and 6th of August

Webinaire des autorités de Règlementation et des comités d’éthique de la Recherche en Afrique Centrale>>

21st and 22nd of October

Laboratory Quality Control>>

29th and 30th of October

Grant Writing>>

18th and 19th November

Infection Prevention and Control AMR>>