Organisation that leads the work package: Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Unit -University of Kinshasa


  • Consolidate and strengthen pharmacovigilance achievements of CANTAM2 and regulatory authorities and ethics committees.
  • Implement sustainable pharmacovigilance system in CANTAM member countries.
  • Strengthen regulatory authorities and ethics committees/institutional review boards.

Description of work

This work package aims to strengthen pharmacovigilance systems as well as regulatory and ethical authorities in Central Africa.

  • Task 3.1 Make pharmacovigilance a routine activity in Central African countries (lead: Unikin; other: FCRM, CERMEL, UY1, UB)
  • Task 3.2 Regulatory authorities (Lead: Unikin; other: FCRM, CERMEL, UY1, CRFiLMT, UB)
  • Task 3.3 Ethics committees (Lead: Unikin; other: FCRM, CERMEL, UY1, UB)