

About: A Clinical Laboratory Scientist, well-studied with Twelve years of experience working with Faith Base Organisations, and International Non-Governmental Organisations. Research Skills: Designing of Data Collection tools, analysing data with statistical software tools, and writing of manuscripts for scientific publications. Teaching Skills: Designing and Delivering of Clinical Laboratory Courses.

Location: Buea
Job: Research Assistant


  • M.Sc Student on Molecular Biology Internship at Institute of Tropical medicine

    2 Sep 2019 - 14 Feb 2020

  • Clinical Laboratory Instructor at St Elizabeth General Hospital Complex: Catholic School of Health Sciences

    3 Dec 2008 - 14 Oct 2016


  • Molecular Epidemiology and Diagnostic Science at University of Buea
  • 15 Oct 2016 - 30 Jul 2020
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences at University of Buea
  • 15 Oct 2004 - 30 Jul 2008

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